.. PyBispectra documentation master file .. title:: Home .. define new line for html .. |br| raw:: html
.. image:: _static/logo.gif :alt: PyBispectra |br| A Python signal processing package for computing spectral- and time-domain interactions using the bispectrum. This package provides the tools for computing phase-amplitude coupling, time delay estimation, and waveshape features using the bispectrum and bicoherence. Additional tools for computing amplitude-amplitude coupling, phase-phase coupling, and spatio-spectral filters are also provided. Parallel processing and `Numba `_ optimisation are implemented to reduce computation times. There is a minor reliance on the `MNE `_ signal processing toolbox. If you use this toolbox in your work, please include the following citation:|br| Binns, T. S., Pellegrini, F., Jurhar, T., & Haufe, S. (2023). PyBispectra (Version 1.1.0). DOI: `10.5281/zenodo.10155044 `_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: :caption: Contents: motivation installation examples api development