

Helper tools for processing and storing results.

ResultsCFC(data, indices, f1s, f2s[, name])

Class for storing cross-frequency coupling (CFC) results.

ResultsTDE(data, indices, times[, ...])

Class for storing time delay estimation (TDE) results.

ResultsWaveShape(data, indices, f1s, f2s[, name])

Class for storing wave shape results.

SpatioSpectralFilter(data, sampling_freq[, ...])

Class for performing spatiospectral filtering.

compute_fft(data, sampling_freq[, n_points, ...])

Compute the fast Fourier transform (FFT) on real-valued data.

compute_tfr(data, sampling_freq, freqs[, ...])

Compute the amplitude time-frequency representation (TFR) of data.

compute_rank(data[, sv_tol])

Compute the minimum rank of data from non-zero singular values.


Set the precision of the outputs of PyBispectra classes and functions.